Random Thoughts & Misspellings...

My Random Thoughts & Misspellings....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So we didn't go to the gym or for a walk once in 7 days. But I got back on the horse and went to the gym last night. Walked 44 minutes, little slower than a week ago, but it's also slightly hotter. Mike is already trying to get out of going tonight. Best foot forward. 18 days till my next 5 k.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It's a slippery slope. I did what I set out to do I deserve a break. My allergies are killing me I'm a coughing mess surely I can't walk like this, I've gotten no sleep. And so I had 2 relax days in a row, but I'm catching myself, and admitting what I already know, these are all just excuses. So tonight ill drag my coughing sorry ass to the gym. And I'll start a new couch to 5 k program.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Double 5k weekend

Ok I did it. I learned a few things from both races. One, I'm getting healthy to be able to spend time with my boys, so it was nice that they could do both these walks with me. Two, I need to start setting the treadmill to incline cause the first 5k had some hills, glad I had my 5 year old to stop with. Three, the boys need to bring a bike or scooter to keep up at the end the get too tired and both days mike ended up carrying a kid for a portion. What a good dad, and really what an amazing partner. He stayed at my side when he could have been done in no time. He wore shirts he normally wouldn't be caught dead in. Four, bring a back pack to hold the water, I like to have my hands free. I have like 4 weeks till my next one now to take what I've learned and keep the walking up. I was the last of each of my teams, but hey I was still in front of other people. And so, Ima gunna keep on trucking.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week 6

Night before the big weekend tomorrow is day one of my 2-5ks in 2 days. I'm nervous. Hope I don't feel like a failure or that I'm not going fast enough thinking about how cement is different from a treadmill. Hoping cement doesn't give me shin splints like I use to get 3 short weeks ago. Oh well here goes nothing.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I'd be lying if I said I hadn't hoped to lose weight when training. I thought ok well maybe ill lose inches if not weight. But after a month I'm just feeling down. Not in lbs or in, but depressed. Measured up tonight and my waist even went up an inch. Bag hum bug. Oh well double 5k's next weekend.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Week 5

So after missing 3 days Monday I walked 3 miles, and I'm was thinking about walking two 5k's in one week is on Tuesday I walked another 3 miles. Guess what as bored as I get after 40 minutes I did it and it didn't hurt. And I got back on the horse and walked all week. Even on Saturday after a busy day of gardening and chores. I stepped on the scale. It was disappointing. I haven't lost weight, but hey at least I haven't gained any. And I need to sit down and take my measurements again its been a month so maybe ill see a change there.

Monday, April 1, 2013


How fast one day can turn into three. We took Friday as a rest day. Then Saturday got busy peeping for the holiday and it was rainy. Then Sunday was the holiday. And the gum was closed early. So today I didn't give myself the chance to say ill do it later this morning I backed a gym bag knowing mike was having a hell day and wouldn't feel up to going tonight and I went straight to the gym after work. And I walked and walked. An an hour I was close to 3 miles, yeah a little slow, but I figured I'd make if an even 3 and stayed on the treadmill. So back on the saddle I go.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Week 4

So week 4 ends with the completion of 4 miles. Super stoked I got all 4 done in 19/min each. My feet were killing me. I got a couple blisters. My knight in shining armor walked the whole time by my side even when his 4 miles were over. I are a cheesy mess for dinner now I don't fell like going to the gym. Ill learn to cook leaner I guess. Cause I don't like this feeling. My next goal it to pick up the pace and running a little with my walking. But only on the treadmill. Still have a complex about running in front of people.

Monday, March 25, 2013


So when I started walking I did it cause I just want to be able to move without being out of breath. But then after the first week I hopped on the scale and was all jazzed I lost weight. 4lbs. The next week well not so much, ok nothing. Then week 3 I had more numbers to be proud of I did a mile under 20. Well really I did 2 of them. My point is I'm a numbers person unlike to see growth, in the way of loss. So today I tried to challenge myself and see if I could stay on 3 for my full 30 minutes. See when I started just over 3 weeks ago I could only do a 2.5 at most. So I didn't jump on the scale this week cause its letting me down and ill have to change my eating to get that to go down. But I'm going at this healthy life at a different angle than I ever have before. Before its always been about food. I never made it to the workout habit step. So. If I feel good maybe ill start to want to eat good well I hope that comes but first I'm just going to keep chugging along and try to focus on other numbers.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fear of the rest day

So I'm crazy. We had our rest day and I became antsy that we weren't at the gym. Don't get me wrong it's not like I'm looking forward to working out. But after thinking about it it's more along the lines I'm afraid I'll fall off the training wagon. So I begged my hubby to go. He said no. So then I started to Pinterest fitness shit. Then after wasting hrs I thought ok I will to this starting 10 thing jumping jack/crunches and about 5 jumping jack in I had a thought-a skinny person thought of jumping jacks because a fatty jiggles too much. So I took my rest day and figured it was time to meditate. I did make it back to the gym the next day much to Mikes chagrin.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 3

So this week I took one of my times walk out if the gym and did it with my family. Nice to kill 2 birds with one stone. The boys had fun walking with us. I also had to think a 5k will be different than the gym the tread mill is soft and level. The trail I was on wasn't. Branches out to trip me. Curbs dip and make ground unlevel. So I think as much as my fatty complex likes going to the gym to do all my walking I'm going to have to try to get outside more once the rain stops. Heavens know my boys will enjoy it even if my ankles don't.
Today I walk 2 magic miles. Wish it could be over with. Mike is losing motivation. He works so hard by the end of the day he hopes I say we won't go to the gym. So far he is out of luck. Lucky for me my sassy ladies keep giving me kudos and that's driving me to do more. Thanks ladies.

I got to the gym and I am so happy I did each of my 2 miles in 19 minutes. I'm just so happy I got them done under 20.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Week 2

The week started with new shoes, I was sticking to the plan, but the weather was nice, and my boys were having fun riding bikes so I thought "why not?" So we went on a couple little bike rides during the week, but enter my complex of being a fatty on a bike in public and I wanted to try to keep it off the main street. My little one pedals as fast as he can and we just try to keep pace with him coasting and looping to stay with him. Heck on Monday I even walked an extra 15 minutes at the gym and made it a 2 mile walk. I guess it's finally happening they say when you work out you get more energy, I never knew who "they" were but always suspected they were crazy cause I'm always tired after working out...and well I still am but I'm more likely to play no on my down time. 
Wed is the end of my week and so it is the day I walk miles not minutes. from the moment I woke up all I could think was uggg 3.5, 3.5, 3.5. I posted on face book that I wasn't looking forward to it, but I'll tackle it like eating an elephant, one bite at a time. I told my coworker about how the first week I thought about telling him I stopped at 60 minutes not at 3 miles and that pushed my to finish, so this week he asked if I was going for my walk and I told him the truth, yes but I wasn't looking forward to it...so I got off work and again called Mike and asked him to meet me at the gym, and together we did what needed to be done, again he left early to get the kid, after he did his 3.5.  and in 77 minutes I got my 3.5 done, then I cooled down to make it and even 80, and stretched. Might I tell any of you who don't already know how awesome my hubby is, I forgot my head phones in the car already locked my key in the locker and just in general wanted to get this show on the road, but was annoyed because I normally listen to my book on tape during and only during my walks. Mike saw and offered me his head phones, I declined, I knew it would only take him 45 minutes to do his walk where I would take 75+ minutes and I knew I could fb and keep myself entertained for 30.  and about 30 minutes he handed them over, seeing me get discouraged I think, and with that I watched SNL with Justin Timberlake and started slowly to forget about the pain in my legs the last 15 minutes my legs felt normal/numb I stretched after my cool down and having learned the hard way after week one when I wanted to cry on my drive home.  I iced at home and my little man gave my legs a good roll.
3.5 in 77 minutes and to think last week 3 miles took me 75 minutes

Friday, March 15, 2013


Lets just get this out of the way, I hate to exercise  I've never liked it not even the remotest. I did the mile in 15 minutes in high school. The closest thing to enjoyment was riding my bike as a kid around SSU during summer, climb the tops of a good path then peddle fast and see how far you could coast. Off topic, anyway I didn't grow up in a sports household. We didn't play them or watch them.  I remember our neighbors always played softball, I don't even remember going to one of their games. What I do remember is middle school in all its glory of awfulness, was being made fun of for how I ran.  Now I didn't run like Phoeby, but I have a feeling I probably ran like my oldest boy, and we have wobbly ankles. I know this because I got fitted after my 3 miles for Week one in new shoes because my feet, legs and just about EVERYTHING killed me. So off to Fleet feet I went and they've told me my ankles are weak when trying to help me find shoes for over-pronating. Great kid I whose name was Peter I think, was really helpful, brought me shoes to try on, looked at my feet while I walked around to see if there was something better in his arsenal to fit me with, talked to me about tips, like freezing Dixie cups of water to message my calves with after a long walk, also socks are key, need a blend to wick moisture away. Once we found the right pair of shoes he encouraged me to walk around with them on to make sure. He never once made me feel like a fatty who would probably give up in 2 weeks, he listened and helped and encouraged. I was so stoked I took them out for a walk that night even though it was kinda a "rest" day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Best Bitches Ever

Photo: Don't give up on yourself. I don't give up on YOU!I don't know who to give credit for this image to but let me just tell you my friends are awesome! Last week I signed up for my 4th 5k, and asked my friends if they would like to join me because it is the color me rad run and it looks like a freaking blast, to my amazement they said yes, like fast, then they started talking about when we should all train together, and what to wear, you know girls like to plan. Later in the week they didn't make me feel guilty when I had to miss their first walk because they were going to take it easy since 2 of them were just gettin over a cold, and well, I'm on a roll and need to get my training in. So for those of you who want to know what I've signed up for here's my hit list in order so far. 

Donate Your Profile PictureGreat Strides in Santa Rosa on 4/13 at Spring Lake Park
I'm doing this one for my friend's son. 

Donate Your Profile Picture

National MS Society in San Francisco on 4/14 at Justin Hermin Plaza
This one is for a mommy friend of mine.

The Human Race in Santa Rosa, on 5/11 at Spring Lake
I'm doing this one to benefit Chop's youth house where my sister works.

Color Me Rad

Now with my Sassy B*tches support I am the Captain of my very own Team for the color me rad race on 5/18 at the Sonoma county fair grounds.

Friday is pay day and I'll be signing up for my 5th which will be the Neon run in SF on 6/8 This will be my first night run.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week 1

So I made some goals for 2013, nothing like lose 50 lbs, but hey that would be nice.  But more like action items, things to do. Things like go on a date every month with my hubby, walk six 5k's. Well on our second date of the year, in SF I needed to walk up 3 blocks to the top of Nob hill. 3 blocks no problem you say. I say fuck that I wanted to cry and hitch hike half way up. I made it to our room, but it got me going about my other 2013 goal. Last year I walked two 5ks, both times it sucked, I did them but ouch, so this time I thought ok, time to look up that couch to 5k thing I saw one of the thousand times I joined WW. I looked at it also looked at the Mayo Clinic's 5k program I liked it because well my first 5k was in 7 weeks, I had to get my butt moving....and even more so because my first and second were back to back. I started my program on a Thursday, no time to waste or I might forget how painful that hill was. I'm good at starting things, but let me just say I'm not so good at keeping up with working out. I'll start going to the gym with a friend, then they'll cancel, or I have something come up, then miss a day, or 50. I needed to do this with my partner the only person who choose to bring life into this world with my my hubby.

So week one we hit the gym, no biggie we find going after the boys are in bed nice, since we have a roommate who can stay with them, but at the end of week one you walk 3 miles...If I waited till 8:30 I would talk myself out of it.  So I called Mike right after I got out of work and asked, or told him to meet me at the gym we had an hr before the kids were out of school. I got my 3 miles done in 75 minutes, that's right, 75 LOOng minutes, after mike was done in (45 minutes) I told him not to worry about me and go get the kid, I wasn't even at 2 miles yet. I thought ok lets see where 60 minutes take me, then I got there and thought ok I'm a lot closer to 3 miles, lets see how long it takes. Goal set match.